Grief & Healing Class
The pain of losing someone can feel quite lonely and overwhelming, but there are healthy strategies/tools to help cope with your grief and learn to heal.
Connect with people who “get it”. This 6-week class is designed to support and equip adults who have lost a loved one. The class outline is as follows:
Week 1: Understanding Grief | Meet others in the group & establish guidelines. Understand what grief looks and feels like, which can be different from one person to another.
Week 2: Grief Thoughts & Feelings | Exploring feelings of loss. Sometimes it’s overwhelming, even debilitating, and sometimes you simply feel okay.
Week 3: Handling the Practical Stuff | Making “a plan” for when people say hurtful things, getting through the holidays AND dealing with your loved one’s stuff (paperwork, phone calls, the closet, bills, additional chores etc.…)
Week 4: Remembering | Holding on to the good memories AND what to do with the bad/hard memories.
Week 5: Making Meaning | Time heals nothing…. It’s what you do with the time that matters.
Week 6: Healing is a Journey | Living authentically without a loved one.
Class Facilitator Kristie Tate | 209.985.0381
Wednesday’s 6pm-7pm